Being sick sucks. The gnawing ache pulling at your back and shoulders, your nose and sinus filled like a splitting stuffed bell pepper, pulsating dull pain piercing the back of your skull and splashing throbbing against your forehead. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you feel like you’re going to paint the inside of your bedroom with a myriad of unsanitary colors. "Ugg," you think to yourself, "I'm just going to sleep for a week." Exhausted, a wave of calm washes over your body and you gently lay your aching torso back against the bed. As you close your eyes you can feel your form melting deeper into the soft mattress. The sensation increases, sinking deeper and deeper until you gently fall asleep. [[Wake Up!]] You wake up to the sound of waves softly splashing. As you lift yourself up you can feel the soft wet sand form to your fingertips. You look around and see a black silt bank illuminated by a brilliant moon. The deep blue of the night’s sky casts an eerie light down upon the tree lined lake stretching out in front of you. Your eyes are heavy as you push yourself off the sand into a shaky stance. The curve of the waterline stretches out into a wide arc into the darkness. The night’s breeze blows small uncresting waves towards the shore; the short glimmering hills lap the sand before you rhythmically. Lap, lap, lap the water penetrates you as you begin to feel your tender stomach turn to the beat of the natural metronome. Hands clammy and knees trembling, you clench your fist in a determined defiance and turn your view away from the lake. Your eyes tightly shut and your posture rigid, you slowly calm yourself and feel your body settle back into the general discomfort of your flu. Your muscles relax as you slowly open your eyes. Expecting to see nothing more than the tree line, you are greeted to the presence of a worn animal trail breaking into the wood. Still groggy, your curiosity begins to trickle fantasies into your consciousness. Beast and nymphs cavort under majestic canopies while gods coyly watch within your mind. [[continue to fantasize]] [[Get up]] Within your mind's eye a forest palace of great twisting willow branches and glowing emerald leaves slowly grows to create the court of the woodland kingdom. Seated upon a great mahogany stump-throne sits the idle tree spirit king. It is the night of the equinox. Libations pour forth as all manner of beings of myth and dreams joyfully dance beneath the tree-king's drowsy gaze. Wolves and deer prance in circles around the patchy flora. Half goat fauns flip and spiral in aerobatic displays. Minataurs' massive hands gently grasp those of delicate Nymphs as the pairs spin in graceful ecstasy. All this and more plays within your mind as you quietly watch; you are but a disembodied presence lingering on the periphery of the fanciful festivities. As your fantasy unfolds unchecked by your inhibitions, you once again turn your attention to the somber looking tree-king. It is hard to tell where the majestic spirit ends and his wooden throne begins. Despite the presence this mystic being emanates throughout the joyous gathering, his crestfallen demeanor seems to pierce only you. With a great groaning of wood the forest trembles as the King rouses from his revelry. The parade of merriment stops dead in its tracks as all eyes fall upon you. All is still and silent as you find yourself startled into opening your eyes. Your pulse thumps in your head as the beating slows and you once again take in the calm lakeside. [[Get up<-Rise to your feet]] Just as you are about to abandon your staring view of the forest’s edge you hear the snap of a branch. You were not even aware of the night's silence until this crack of nature’s bell disturbed the mild lakeside. A hint of fear welling up inside you, the tall foliage begins to rustle. Fully prepared to respond to whatever beastly supernatural creature your own dream might conjure before you, you nevertheless find yourself hop with a startle as a fawn leaps from the bushes. The fragile little deer’s chocolate brown coat with its thumbprint white spots shines in the moonlight. The creature looks away from you toward the darkness of the path as you watch the light play against the felt of the deer’s fur. It is almost as if the image entering your eyes could be felt as tenderly as if you had actually reached out to stroke the fawn’s delicate back. You wait there in the silent night for some movement, some flow, some sign that would lead you to your next course of action… but nothing happens in that dead of night. The seconds become minutes until finally, impossibly slowly, the fawn turned its gaze to you. The deer, its ears perked, looks into you with its inky black frost-fur rimmed eyes. Those bottomless eyes plead with you for something. They beseech you for some unknown action that pulls at your core as you desperately ponder what the pure animal wants from you. Suddenly the fawn turns its head back to the forest path and, its nimble legs giving a forewarning twitch, springs into the woods. [[Chase the deer down the path]] [[Stay at the water's edge]] You burst into a sprint like that of a predator as your instincts take over your body and you find yourself giving chase to this amazingly swift guide. A sideways glance behind you speaks nothing of the lake you left behind as you vault over shrub and root. Your arms brushing aside low branches and your hands pushing off tree trunks, you see glimpses of the fawn deftly prancing forward ahead of you. As you begin to pant with the exertion of keeping up, the forest becomes darker and more choked with vegetation. Clumsy with fatigue, you lose sight of the fawn and trip down faltering to your knees. The fall takes your breath away as beads of sweat mat your hair to your scalp. As you begin to feel nauseous you wonder what you were thinking. Just then you feel a warm breath upon your bare shoulder. Looking up, you bring your eyes level with those of the young deer. The fawn is indescribably beautiful with its soft angular features and velvety fur; those same vast black eyes imploring you to stay strong. [[Force yourself to stand up]] [[Lay down and rest]] A drifting rustling is all you hear as the silent night envelops you once more. Looking up to the brilliant moon, you wonder what your purpose here is. Quiet reflection take hold of you as a dark form takes shape upon the waters. The thin moonlight glimmers on the small choppy waves of the darkened lake surface. Everywhere upon that body of water are those dull white reflections except for the tiny black figure making its way slowly towards you. A sense of Eeriness replaces the aching of your head and body. Your stomach twists as you peer at the approaching mystery rocking upon the waters. At first the shape begins to look as though it were a statue floating atop the surface. The moonlight catches what looks like a cloak upon a massive stone chiseled sculpture. Your thoughts turn to stone angels serenely looking down upon you from their graveyard perches. No, this foreboding thing has no wings, no placid smile, no serenity to offer. Its approach nears and in the dark of night you see its cloaked arms moving an oar to and fro in time with the lake's motions. As your panic sets in your mind begins to race. You should hide; should run for the tree-line; or maybe, you think, you should just settle down. Despite your paranoia you know there are no monsters lurking within the dark. Regardless of anything you think at this moment, the lakeman nears. You see his great grey robes heavily swaying upon the deck of a small wooden raft now. Back and forth he treads ink black water on either side of his raft as he noiselessly dips his oar again and again. [[Wait by the lake's edge]] [[Run for the forest path and search for the deer->Chase the deer down the path]] You call upon your reserve of strength as you regain your stance and move forward with the creature into the night. Walking along side your new companion in the silence, you begin to enjoy the night’s splendor. You can hear all the music of the life of the forest as you continue, a soft cool breeze brushing strands of hair upon your cheek. The moon begins to shine through breaks in the canopy as your dangling hands accidentally touch the fawn beside you. The creature stops suddenly and looks up at you for a long moment, the moonlight glinting from the corners of its glassy eyes. The deer purposefully fixes its gaze back towards the path as you match its view. In the distance you can make out a soft golden glow silhouetting the leaves before you. Then, without warning, the fawn leaps from the path into the forest leaving you to continue on your own. You stand there for some time wondering what you should do as the forest continues to quietly clamor around you. The light ahead is soft and warm, almost inviting, but you hesitate to make this discovery without your nimble guide. Your body begins to ache once again in its stillness until you attempt to fix your courage and proceeded along the trail towards the shimmering fauna. [[Succeed<-Take a step towards the light]] [[Fail<-Stay where you are]] Despite your best intentions weariness takes over your body and mind. Your eyes shut, you feel the spiraling dizziness clutch onto your being. Nothing would feel better than to simply have your pain and weariness whisked away by the sweet nothingness of sleep. Calmly, quietly, your thoughts slip away. [[Shut your eyes<-Sleep]] As you move closer and closer to the end of the path the glowing golden light begins to rise higher into the trees until all that stands between you and the source is a thick green nettle. Your hand nervously pulls back the delicate leaves as the view strikes your heart. A pool of luminescent golden liquid sparkles before you, its radiance rising from the surface as wisps of angels’ hair. In the center of the pond is a font of bubbling liquid. It makes a turning hill of magic that ripples along the surface outward towards the edges. You can literally feel the peaceful benevolence of this enchanted place as you stepped over the foliage to the pond’s edge. [[Touch the pond's surface]] [[Sit at the edge of the pond]] Any misplaced fear is dispelled from your soul as you reach your fingertips towards the glowing liquid. Before you even touch the nectar you can feel the pain wash away from your hand. Slowly you touch the golden fluid and feel the gentle warmth as the thick liquid coats your hand. Like watered down honey without the unpleasant stickiness you expected, the magical substance strings from your raised hand back into the pool. Your rejuvenated glossy palm flexes with an ease not felt since your childhood as you can see the lines of age and experience fold out upon themselves and disappear before your very eyes. [[Enter the pool]] [[Drink the liquid]] [[Close your eyes]] Simply sitting at the edge of the shimmering pond relaxes the tension in your weary muscles. The deep yellow liquid makes a heavy mist as it breaks upon the edge near your legs. You can feel pulsating waves radiating towards you as, at first your shins and toes, and then your calves, knees, and thighs begin to let go of their taunt nature. Your nervousness is replaced with acceptance as your body begins to melt into a tranquil repose at the mere matter of being so near the pond. [[Enter the pool]] [[Drink the liquid]] [[Close your eyes]] All of your doubts and fears have evaporated as you playfully place a single big toe into the pool. The liquid caresses your feet like a skilled masseuse as you slowly walk deeper into the curiosity. Your calves melt as you immerse yourself deeper and deeper, your thighs accepting the warmth of the nectar. You can feel the elated tingling as the waterline affably splashes around your waist up to your belly button. Pausing as you near the pulsing font center, you spread your palms out along the surface and make rippling circles around your form. The pure unadulterated pleasure of the magical bath causes your body to yearn hungrily for more, but you fight the urge as you enjoy every added inch of healing. Bending your knees you sink lower and lower as the honey wine fluid laps at your arms, your torso, your shoulders until you are finally submerged to your neck. The pool holds you in its embrace as the shimmering liquid soaks into every poor of your body. You can feel the weighted tips of your hair dripping lines of ecstasy down your jaw line as you work up the nerve to become one with the pool. Closing your eyes and arching your neck back you plunge your head into the liquid gold. You can taste the subdued sweetness make its way passed your softening lips as you are made new. All the pain and physical torment is but a distant memory as you fall deeply into the serenity of torpor. [[Close your eyes]] The energy of this place reflects off of every tree limb and leaf of the canopy above you. The golden glow of the pool envelops you in bliss as you make your life-tortured hands into a cup. Pushing your hands against the tension of the pool's surface you feel the healing warmth swirl into your palms. Raising your cupped hands, the watery streaming lines drizzling back into the pool, you bring the liquid to your mouth. You feel the gold nectar soften your lips as you pull the slightly viscous fluid into your mouth and let it slide down your throat. Like drinking liquid velvet, it coats your mouth, throat, and stomach in a tingling of rebirth. As you study the subdued sweetness of the nectar lingering in your mouth, your mind burst into life. Your eyes snap open as you see the forest around as if for the first time. You can feel your five senses heightened as the soft breeze kisses your exposed skin. The gold tinted colors of every leave, rock, and tree trunk take on a new sharpness. The sounds of the turning font mingle with the swaying creaks of the trees and of all the distant moving life of the forest. Rejuvenated with the crisp senses of a new born paired with the cognizance of a full grown adult, you experience an awareness you’ve never known before. [[Enter the pool]] [[Close your eyes]] Opening your eyes once more you see the familiar surroundings of your comfortable bedroom. Completely dry you realize the night’s walk was nothing more than a dream. Nevertheless, you lift your hand and study its graceful lines as you let the memory of the fantasy drift away to where ever forgotten dreams go. Feeling better than you have in days, you decide to get up and get on with your day. The End. Comments welcomed Silent_Banshee@hotmail.comThe forest feels as though it is closing in on you as fear seeps into your heart. This can't be right. Nothing here is real. You clutch on to the nearest branch to steady your swirling head and cut yourself. As you look at the beads of blood form upon your hand you become dizzy. You feel as though you are going to fall. [[Shut your eyes]] Yet again your mind scream for you to take action: Hide, run, call out to the specter before you, but you are frozen in your stance. Your gaze upon the hooded figure will not break, your legs will not move, and your trembling lips will not utter a challenge as your eyes irresistibly lock on to the lakeman's darken visage. Without pause the raft makes landfall and the menacing fiend moves onto the shore. Beads of cold sweat break out and roll down your brow. It is as if something supernatural is holding you in place as sure as if your arms and legs were lashed down by cold iron chains. The lake man digs his oar pommel deeply into the silt with each dragging step. His face is a void of blackness shrouded from the moonlight by his thick woolen hood. The imagined iron chains pull down upon you heavier with every breath as the lakeman closes the gap between you. The pulling weight start to become unbearable as a drowsiness infects your mind. Your desire to flee competes with the need to rest. Fear itself begins to rescind as you feel your eyes become lead. The notion of laying down your weary body, to sleep, to dream even becomes a longed for paradise. You didn't even realize that you had closed your eyes when they are snapped open at the sound of a high nasally whine behind you. The lakeman, now faced to face with you, snarls unearly as he looks over your shoulder. The gaze broken, you feel the fog lift slightly from your consciousness. Stumbling backwards as he stretches marble white fingers towards you, you catch a glimpse of the fawn. Returned from the forest path, the chocolate colored deer cries a sickly whine as it stamps its hooves into the dirt. You feel bony ice cold fingers grasp your wrist; clawing knife sharp fingernails dig into your palm as you wrench your arm from the demon lakeman. [[Break away and run for the deer->Chase the deer down the path]] [[Fight the lakeman->Lay down and rest]] Opening your eyes once more you see the familiar surroundings of your bedroom. Feeling sick, you realize the night’s walk was nothing more than a dream. Nevertheless, you lift your hand and study its creased lines as you let the memory of the nightmare drift away to where ever forgotten dreams go. Suddenly, you realize that you are in dire need of bathroom and stumble clumsily out of your bed. It's going to be a long day. The End.